Page 223 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 223

n Where could we exert most leverage?
            n Where are we falling down on the job?
            n If you were a competitor where would you attack us?
            n What are the main risks?
            n What should we be afraid of?
            n What keeps you awake at nights?
            n What would keep you awake at nights if you were the worrying


      Corporate danger signs

            n Out-of-date methods
            n Dissatisfied customers
            n Late deliveries
            n Low volumes
            n Low profit margins
            n Low productivity
            n Dependence on few customers
            n Poor industrial relations
            n Low morale
            n High staff turnover
            n Top-heavy management
            n Precipitate downsizing
            n Industry down turn.


      I People respond best to change when they are clear about the
      I reasons why it is necessary right now, understand their
      I contribution and retain a sense of having at least some control. It
      I also helps if they are managed and guided by people who
      I understand the barriers to change and if the management that is
      I leading the change is firm and goals are unambiguous and
      I challenging.
      I That may seem to be a lot to ask, but in business we ask only
      I for what will make a real difference.
      I Some readers will have heard of the ancient Roman governor
      I who left a note when he committed suicide that said: “We tried
      I very hard. We incorporated the changes and practised to perfect
      I them – and then they changed it all again.”

192 Key management questions
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