Page 53 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 53


      I Too many planners look at markets either in too simple or too
      I complicated a manner. PEST+ analysis delivers the questions
      I that ensure that you consider all that is important without
      I becoming excessively academic.

      Strategic objectives

            n Given the mass of information that we now have what are our
                strategic objectives?

            n What are our priorities?
            n Do the objectives state clearly exactly what we must do?
            n Are we clear on how we will measure the success of each?
            n Is every objective meaningful in that it makes a significant

                contribution to the success of the strategic plan?
            n Is each achievable in the probable market and economic

            n Is each attainable with the resources and people that we have or

                can acquire?
            n Have we included any necessary development of people or

            n Have we used expert inputs from departments and divisions to

                ensure that we will have, for example, a training and development
                plan, a production and productivity plan and so on that fully
                supports the strategy?
            n Are all objectives clearly time-framed?
            n On the basis of our strategic objectives can every department
                and/or division identify their contribution?
            n Have we taken full account of our contingency and avoidance
            n Have we decided how often the top team will review the strategic


      I Strategic objectives are a jigsaw puzzle that break down into
      I tactical objectives and actions. They should be comprehensive to
      I ensure that if they are achieved then the total strategy is
      I achieved. They are then split into tactical objectives designed so
      I that if each is achieved the strategic objectives are achieved. They
      I are the cornerstone of long-term prosperity.

22 Key management questions
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