Page 58 - SKU-000506274_TEXT.indd
P. 58

n Do you actually enjoy your job?
    n Or is working what you have to do in order to afford rare moments

        of relaxation?

    n Does work empower you?
    n Or does it imprison you?

    n Do you admire your colleagues and bosses?
    n Or do you think that they are incompetent and ought to step aside

        for a better man or woman – you?

    n Do you feel pleasantly superior when friends talk about their jobs?
    n Or do you feel pangs of envy and discontent?

    n Do you delegate with confidence?
    n Or are you sick of people pushing their work onto you?

    n Do you enjoy perks, responsibility, challenge and opportunities to

    n Or do you feel generally hard done by?

    n Are you paid what you earn?
    n Or are you underpaid and overworked?

    n Do you feel relaxed and self-confident?
    n Or do you feel stressed and worn out?

    n Do you enjoy hobbies and interests outside of work?
    n Or have you given them up in order to work longer hours?

    n Are you ambitious?
    n Or are you resigned?

    If you feel dissatisfied with work be very clear what it is that you really
want. Nothing is more frustrating than to jump from the proverbial frying
pan only to find how hot the fire can be. Answer the following questions
with care, but remember that you have needs beyond work. You have social
needs, domestic and family needs. You may well have needs to pursue a
hobby or sport and areas of learning beyond work. Most of us, whether we
willingly admit to it or not, have spiritual needs. Some people have found
the following planning template is useful. We use it in our International
Executive Stress Management workshops to great effect.

Life plan

The next ten years

My life goals

I have a vision of becoming in the next ten years:

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