Page 19 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 19

my	first	paying	customer	that	day.

In	 the	 first	 week,	 I	 signed	 up	 10	 customers.	 This	 resulted	 in	 $476	 of	 recurring
monthly	 revenue,	 which	 was	 the	 exact	 amount	 I’d	 worked	 up	 to	 during	 the
previous	twelve	months	with	Informly.

This	 may	 not	 sound	 like	 much,	 but	 my	 excitement	 was	 through	 the	 roof!	 This
was	the	one	and	people	were	voting	with	their	wallets.	WordPress	issues	are	an
annoying	problem	that	people	are	prepared	to	pay	for.	It	was	a	monthly	recurring
service	in	a	big	market	that	I	knew	could	scale	into	something	significant.

Within	 twenty-three	 days	 I	 was	 covering	 costs	 and	 within	 a	 month	 my	 San
Francisco-based	 co-founder	 Alex	 had	 joined	 me.	 Thoughts	 of	 moving	 to	 get	 a
job	were	a	distant	memory.

Each	 month	 we	 grew	 by	 around	 15%	 because	 people	 started	 proactively
spreading	 the	 word.	 After	 13	 months	 we	 had	 475	 customers	 and	 were	 making
over	 $33,000	 in	 monthly	 recurring	 revenue	 (MRR).	 Just	 as	 important	 for	 me,	 I
had	blown	past	my	$100,000	annual	wage.

After	 one	 year,	 WP	 Curve	 was	 far	 ahead	 of	 where	 my	 agency	 was	 after	 seven.
We	had	twice	as	many	customers,	twice	the	revenue,	more	staff,	a	stronger	team,
lower	 costs,	 a	 simpler	 business	 model,	 happier	 customers,	 and	 four	 times	 more

Most	 importantly,	 it	 was	 a	 real	 business.	 A	 high	 growth	 startup	 in	 a	 big	 market
with	 a	 lot	 of	 potential.	 We	 are	 still	 growing	 at	 15%+	 per	 month.	 After	 fourteen
years,	 I’d	 finally	 realized	 my	 dream	 of	 being	 an	 entrepreneur	 running	 a	 high
growth	startup.

It	only	took	7	Days.
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