Page 24 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 24


Once	you	have	an	idea	that	has	some	merit,	it	needs	to	be	executed	well.	 This
book	 is	 all	 about	 getting	 something	 to	 market	 quickly.	 However,	 that	 doesn’t
take	away	from	the	fact	that	it’s	an	ongoing	process	to	continually	execute	your
idea	well.

   Execution	is	your	ability	to	present	your
    idea	just	as	well	as	the	best	ideas	in	the


You	 won’t	 be	 able	 to	 execute	 your	 idea	 in	 seven	 days	 at	 a	 level	 that	 compares
with	the	best	in	the	world.	That	should	be	your	goal	in	the	medium	term.

There’s	 no	 use	 complaining	 about	 being	 self-funded	 and	 not	 having	 resources.
Customers	don’t	care.	They	make	comparisons	and	make	a	choice.	If	you	don’t
execute	as	well	as	the	competition,	they	will	chose	the	competition.

Execution	 is	 a	 really	 big	 problem	 outside	 of	 the	 big	 startup	 hubs.	 It’s	 very
misunderstood,	and	simply	getting	a	brand	and	a	website	to	look	and	feel	like	an
exciting	startup	is	difficult.

If	 you	 aren’t	 able	 to	 present	 your	 idea	 in	 a	 way	 that	 compares	 favourably	 with
the	best	in	the	world,	then	look	for	a	co-founder	who	can.
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