Page 23 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 23


Another	 popular	 maxim	 in	 entrepreneurial	 circles	 is,	 “Ideas	 don’t	 matter,	 only
execution	matters.”

That	advice	is	well-intentioned,	but	wrong.

Take	a	look	at	the	trending	startups	on	Angel	List,	the	companies	getting	funded
through	 Crunchbase,	 or	 think	 about	 your	 successful	 entrepreneurial	 friends.
They	are	all	working	on	something	that	has	some	sort	of	unique	quality	to	it.	It
might	 not	 be	 the	 next	 iPhone,	 but	 it	 is	 an	 idea	 that	 has	 successfully	 captured
enough	attention	to	take	off.

Your	idea	is	important	and	I	dedicate	a	fair	amount	of	time	to	it	on	Day	1.

The	problem	is,	it’s	only	one	part	of	three	elements	required	to	successfully	get	a
startup	 off	 the	 ground.	 It’s	 where	 wantrepreneurs	 spend	 100%	 of	 their	 time.
They	can	talk	‘till	they	are	blue	in	the	face	about	their	idea,	but	when	it	comes	to
the	other	elements,	they	fall	flat.

We	will	spend	one	day	on	your	idea,	you	will	choose	the	best	one,	and	then	we’ll
move	on.
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