Page 27 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 27

Why	7	Days?	

                  “Move	fast	and	break	things.”	Mark	Zuckerberg

13	 years	 into	 my	 soul-crushing	 indoctrination	 into	 entrepreneurship,	 it	 became
clear	why	I’d	failed	so	many	times.	I	had	acted	based	on	assumptions	instead	of
making	decisions	based	on	real	data.


      When	I	purchased	another	company,	I	assumed	I	could	bolt	on	$40,000
      profit.	Wrong.
      When	I	launched	Informly,	I	assumed	that	if	I	created	something	great	then
      people	would	buy	it.	Wrong.
      When	I	released	a	new	version	of	Informly,	I	assumed	that	people	would
      act	according	to	the	survey	results.	Wrong	again.

The	only	time	I	didn’t	act	out	of	assumptions	was	with	WP	Curve.	I	had	no	time
to	assume	anything.	I	launched,	and	every	important	decision	came	afterwards.	I
based	those	decisions	on	real	customer	behavior,	not	assumptions.

The	 ability	 to	 learn	 from	 real	 data	 is	 why	 the	 7	 Day	 Startup	 works.	 You	 wipe
assumptions	off	the	table.	Your	focus	is	on	launching	in	7	Days.
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