Page 4 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 4



Chapter	1	-	You	Don’t	Learn	Until	You	Launch	
   My	First	Business	Idea	
   My	First	Business	
   My	First	Startup	
   My	7	Day	Success	

Chapter	2	-	What	is	a	Startup?	

Chapter	3	-	Idea,	Execution,	Hustle	

Chapter	4	-	Why	7	Days?	
   Avoid	Failed	Validation	Techniques	
   Work	More	Efficiently	
   But	7	Days	is	Not	Long	Enough	
   No.	Seriously.	I	Can’t	Launch	in	7	Days.	
   The	7	Pre-Launch	Tasks	

Chapter	5	-	The	7	Day	Startup	
   Day	1	-	The	9	Elements	of	a	Great	Bootstrapped	Business	Idea	
   Day	2	-	WTF	is	an	MVP?	
   Day	3	-	Choose	a	Business	Name	
   Day	4	-	Build	a	Website	in	One	Day	for	under	$100	
   Day	5	-	10	Ways	to	Market	Your	Business	
   Day	6	-	Set	Targets
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