Page 7 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 7

by	Rob	Walling

I	first	heard	about	Dan	Norris	when	he	emailed	to	pitch	me	on	a	guest	post	called
13	Pre-Launch	Traffic	Strategies	for	Startups1.

No	wait…	that’s	not	right.
The	 first	 time	 I	 actually	 heard	 about	 Dan	 Norris	 was	 on	 the	 Tropical	 MBA2
podcast—	the	hosts	mentioned	Dan’s	(now	defunct)	startup

Umm…	that’s	not	right,	either.

It	was	when	Dan	launched	his	podcast…

His	blog…

His	email	newsletter…
Or	when	he	put	himself	in	the	hotseat	on	Jason	Calcanis’	This	Week	in	Startups3.

I	think	you’re	starting	to	get	the	picture…	The	scary	truth	is	that	Dan	Norris	is	a

In	 fact,	 there	 are	 few	 who	 can	 match	 Dan’s	 sheer	 volume	 of	 hustle,	 be	 it	 when
cranking	 out	 podcast	 episodes,	 blog	 posts,	 or	 putting	 himself	 out	 there	 on	 other
peoples’	podcasts	(mine	included4).	I’ve	always	admired	this	about	him.

It’s	this	hustle	that	enabled	him	to	iterate,	pivot,	and	brute	force	his	way	through
multiple	failed	startup	attempts	and	arrive	at	a	standout	success,	WP	Curve.	And
he	went	from	spending	six	months	to	find	his	first	paying	customer	to	spending	7

I’ve	 worked	 with	 thousands	 of	 entrepreneurs	 over	 the	 years	 through	 my
podcast5,	 blog6,	 startup	 conference7,	 and	 my	 most	 recent	 startup8.	 Without
question,	 the	 biggest	 mistake	 people	 make	 is	 obsessing	 over	 their	 idea	 and	 not
focusing	enough	on	finding	people	willing	to	pay	for	their	product.
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