Page 12 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 12

Over	the	next	six	months	I	mapped	out	the	idea	and	planned	exactly	what	topics
to	 include,	 how	 to	 deliver	 the	 documents,	 how	 to	 charge,	 and	 even	 how	 to
employ	writers.

This	was	going	to	make	me	my	first	million.	HR	managers	were	already	paying
thousands	 for	 HR	 staff,	 so	 I	 figured	 they	 would	 certainly	 pay	 a	 few	 hundred
dollars	for	every	document	they	could	ever	need.	As	far	as	my	research	revealed,
nothing	like	this	existed.

I	was	proud	of	my	plan—it	was	organized,	meticulous,	and	thorough.	Nervously
submitting	 the	 assignment	 with	 hopes	 of	 earning	 a	 great	 mark,	 I	 waited…	 and
waited	for	the	results.	Finally,	the	day	came.	I	opened	the	assignment	and	saw	an

There	was	one	problem:	I	didn’t	launch	the	business.

Sure,	I	had	created	a	beautiful	business	plan	after	spending	countless	hours	in	the
library	deep	diving	into	painstaking	research.

But	launching	a	business	wasn’t	in	the	marking	criteria.

Looking	back,	the	timing	was	perfect.	I	had	this	idea	just	after	the	first	dot	com
crash,	and	services	like	this	became	mainstream	a	few	years	later.	HR	documents
and	policies	were	easy	to	share	and	buy	online.	In	hindsight,	I’m	sure	it	had	the
potential	to	be	a	seven-or	eight-figure	business.

I	will	never	know	for	sure.	You	can	never	predict	what	happens	after	you	start	a
business.	 Long-term	 plans	 and	 detailed	 documents	 are	 pointless.	 Most
businesses	 go	 on	 to	 do	 something	 very	 different	 from	 what	 they	 set	 out	 to	 do.
Today,	this	is	called	a	pivot.

I	learned	a	very	valuable	lesson	from	my	failure	to	launch.

That	lesson	is:	“You	don’t	learn	until	you	launch.”
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