Page 11 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 11

My	First	Business	Idea	

In	 the	 year	 2000	 I	 was	 a	 long-haired	 twenty-year-old,	 struggling	 through	 a
business	 degree	 at	 university.	 Bored	 out	 of	 my	 brain,	 I	 needed	 to	 choose	 an
elective	to	make	up	for	the	courses	I	had	failed,	and	stumbled	across	a	brand	new
subject	called	“Entrepreneurship.”

I	dreamed	of	launching	and	running	my	own	successful	startup.

The	 objective	 was	 to	 come	 up	 with	 a	 business	 idea	 and	 plan	 how	 to	 make	 it
happen.	 I	 figured	 it	 made	 sense	 to	 choose	 at	 least	 one	 course	 that	 taught	 me
about	starting	and	running	a	business,	since	that	is	what	I	was	studying.

At	that	time	you	used	Dogpile	or	Hotbot	to	search	the	web.	There	wasn’t	much
there;	all	the	good	stuff	was	in	the	library.	One	day	I	came	across	a	publication
called	the	Ultimate	HR	Manual.	As	a	Human	Resources	major,	I	hid	it	behind	a
stack	 of	 musty	 books	 in	 the	 never-used	 frog	 anatomy	 section.	 It	 couldn’t	 leave
the	building	—	it	was	too	powerful.

The	 manual	 held	 all	 the	 secrets	 for	 managing	 human	 resources.	 It	 outlined
exactly	 how	 to	 hire	 and	 fire,	 how	 to	 recruit	 amazing	 talent,	 how	 to	 manage
change,	how	to	build	a	team,	and	how	to	train.	It	was	the	holy	grail	of	HR.

I	needed	a	business	idea	for	my	course,	and	after	I	discovered	the	HR	manual,	it
dawned	on	me:

                        What	if	I	put	the	HR	manual…	online?

I	 could	 create	 a	 site	 where	 business	 owners	 could	 access	 all	 the	 forms	 and
processes	 required	 for	 best	 practicing	 HR,	 including	 position	 descriptions,
employee	 surveys,	 HR	 Audits,	 and	 training	 programs.	 That	 would	 be	 cool!
Wouldn’t	it?

My	first	business	idea	was	born.
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