Page 8 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 8

The	7	Day	Startup	is	based	on	the	hard	knocks	Dan	has	endured	while	launching
idea	after	idea.	He	architected	this	book	to	get	you	from	zero	to	paying	customer
in	 7	 Days	 and	 he’s	 distilled	 his	 lessons	 into	 relatable	 stories	 and	 actionable
takeaways	to	get	you	started	as	quickly	as	possible.

I	know	what	you’re	thinking:	“7	Days?!	Has	all	this	hustle	rotted	his	brain?	No
one	can	launch	an	idea	in	7	days.“

And	to	that	I	offer	a	story:

When	I	interviewed	Dan	I,	too,	was	incredulous	at	the	thought	of	getting	an	idea
out	 the	 door	 in	 7	 days.	 My	 email	 marketing	 startup,	 Drip9,	 was	 as	 minimally
viable	as	you	can	imagine,	and	it	still	took	months	to	launch.

Dan’s	response	to	my	pushback?

“I	think	it’s	worth	considering	whether	or	not	Drip	is	a	good	idea	for	a	first	time
entrepreneur	who’s	bootstrapping.	[In	my	book	I	have	a]	list	of	criteria	for	good
ideas	and	one	of	them	is	the	ability	to	build	and	test	quickly.

Drip	might	be	a	good	idea	for	a	3rd	or	4th	time	entrepreneur,	but	it	may	not	be	a
good	 idea	 for	 a	 first	 time	 entrepreneur	 because	 it	 might	 be	 too	 hard	 and	 too
competitive	to	build	something	like	that.”

Well	said,	sir.

If	you’re	a	third-or	fourth-time	entrepreneur,	I	would	hope	you	have	it	dialed	in
by	now.	Everyone	else:	you’d	be	well	advised	to	listen	to	him.

I	wish	you	all	the	best	on	your	journey,
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