Page 5 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 5

Day	7	-	Launch	

Chapter	6	-	Refine	Your	Business	Model	
   Building	a	Business	That	Couldn’t	Grow	
   Build	a	Business	With	Growth	in	its	DNA	

Chapter	7	-	14	Business	Rules	to	Live	By	
   1.	Test	Every	Assumption	
   2.	Solve	Problems	as	They	Arise	
   3.	Do	What	You	Say	You	Will	Do	
   4.	Benchmark	Against	the	Best	
   5.	Learn	From	Others	and	Yourself	
   6.	Outlearn	Your	Competition	
   7.	Always	Consider	How	Your	Business	Looks	Without	You	
   8.	Look	for	Sources	of	Momentum	
   9.	Manage	Motivation	
   10.	Cull	Difficult	Customers	
   11.	Focus	on	Retention	
   12.	Avoid	Short-Term	Thinking	
   13.	Focus	on	Product	
   14.	Love	Your	Work	

   More	Resources	
   Do	You	Mind	Helping?	


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