Page 68 - The 7 Day Startup: You Don’t Learn Until You Launch -
P. 68
As a bonus, if the name clearly makes sense for your idea, then it’s a real
DropBox says what it does without being too specific. Our WordPress
conversions plugin is called ConvertPress17.
6. Broader is better.
You are an early stage company, so it’s hard to know exactly what you will be
doing down the track. Don’t use specific keywords in your domain name or
specific mentions of your service or your location. This could easily change and
create a bit of unnecessary work for you.
As a general rule, something broader will serve you better. Twitter started as a
text message platform, but the name works perfectly well for the web and mobile
app it is today.
A Simple Checklist for Choosing
the Best Company Name
Put your ten names into this checklist and choose whichever one gets the best
Day 3 Task - Come up with a bunch of potential business names and evaluate