Page 104 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 104

88 Part II: Sharpening Your Marketing Focus

                                  ߜ Does the consistent portion of your marketing materials accurately
                                      reflect your business?

                                  ߜ Do your marketing materials adequately appeal to your target market?

                                           • If you know that your customers value top quality, do your market-
                                             ing materials convey a top-quality company? Do your ads convey
                                             quality? Do you apply your logo only to prestigious advertising
                                             items? If you’re a retailer, are your shopping bags the finest you
                                             can afford? If you’re a service company, do you present your pro-
                                             posals in a manner that reinforces the caliber of your firm while
                                             affirming your customer’s taste level?

                                           • If your customers value economy above all else, do your materials
                                             look too upscale? If so, they may inadvertently telegraph the wrong

                                           • If your customers choose you primarily for convenience, do your
                                             materials put forth that assurance? Or, if you believe that your
                                             highest virtue is your reliability, do you convey that attribute
                                             through a flawless commitment to a reliably consistent projection
                                             of your identity?

                               In forming opinions about your company, your market relies on the impres-
                               sions it gets from your communications.

                               Use your impression inventory as the basis for rating the image you project
                               to your market. As you get ready to adjust and improve the quality of your
                               communications, turn to Chapter 7 for everything you need to know about
                               managing your image, setting a creative strategy to guide your communica-
                               tions, and writing an image style guide to cast your image rules in cement.
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