Page 105 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 105

Chapter 7

    Establishing Your Position
           and Brand

In This Chapter

ᮣ Understanding how brands lead to marketing success
ᮣ Determining your company’s market position
ᮣ Writing your tag line
ᮣ Forging your creative strategy
ᮣ Developing an image style guide

    “We’re just a small business,” you may be thinking. “We’re not
                               Nabisco or Nike, with a bazillion-dollar ad budget and a global
                market. We’re just 12 people trying to build a half million dollars in sales. We
                hardly need a brand.”

                Guess what? You do need a brand.

                A brand isn’t some mysterious, expensive treasure available only to the rich
                and famous. And it isn’t just for mega-marketers, though most certainly they
                all have one.

                Branding simply (well, maybe not all that simply) involves developing and
                consistently communicating a set of positive characteristics that consumers
                can identify with and relate to your name. If those characteristics happen to
                fill a meaningful and available position in their minds — a need they’ve been
                wanting and trying to fill — then you just scored a marketing touchdown, and
                that half-million-dollar sales goal will be way easier to reach.

                This chapter is about paving the road for marketing success by building a
                brand, focusing on a market position, and aligning all your communications
                under a creative strategy that leads to a single image customers trust and
                rely on. That’s how small businesses become large, and that’s what marketing
                is all about.
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