Page 106 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 106

90 Part II: Sharpening Your Marketing Focus

     Brands Live in the Minds of Customers

                               When people hear your name, they conjure up a set of impressions that influ-
                               ence how they think and buy. Those thoughts define your brand.

                               Your brand resides in your customer’s mind as a result of all the impressions
                               made by encounters with your name, your logo, your marketing messages,
                               and everything else that people see and hear about your business.

                               Something as basic as your business address contributes to how your brand
                               is perceived. For that matter, every time someone walks into your business
                               and looks around, visits your Web site, meets an employee, or glances at
                               your ad, that person forms an impression that leads to a mind-set about your

                               If a person knows your business’s name, you have a brand in that person’s
                               mind. It may not be the brand you want, and it may not be as well known as
                               you wish it were, but you have a brand.

              You can have a powerful brand
              without having a power brand

                               Levi’s is a power brand. It’s more powerful than Wrangler, Lee, or Guess. All
                               are brands. All convey an identity and a promise. But one is known interna-
                               tionally and by all age and demographic groups, whereas the others have a
                               more narrow influence and, therefore, less marketing power. The power of
                               your brand comes from the degree to which it is known.

                               Your small business probably will never have a globally recognized “power
                               brand” simply because you don’t have (and for that matter don’t need) the
                               marketing horsepower that would fuel that level of awareness.

                               But you can be the most powerful brand in your target market. All it takes is

                                  ߜ Knowing the brand image that you want to project
                                  ߜ Having commitment and discipline to project your brand well
                                  ߜ Spending what’s necessary to get your message to your target market
                                  ߜ Managing your marketing so that it makes a consistent impression that

                                      etches your desired brand image into the mind of your target prospect
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