Page 208 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 208

192 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

                                 one-to-one marketing, but they each represent different roles in the direct
                                 marketing field (see Table 13-1). For the record, here are the definitions:

                                    ߜ Direct marketing involves a direct exchange between a seller and
                                        a buyer — without the involvement of retailers, agents, or other

                                    ߜ Direct mail is a primary means of direct marketing communication that
                                        involves sending ads in the form of letters, postcards, or packages
                                        directly to targeted prospects.

                                    ߜ Direct-response advertising includes ads that invite consumers to
                                        respond directly to your business to take immediate action, such as
                                        making a purchase or requesting additional information.

                                    ߜ Direct sales means a sales transaction that occurs over a distance and
                                        directly between the buyer and the seller. Mail order and e-commerce
                                        are the primary vehicles for direct sales. (See Chapter 16 for information
                                        on e-commerce.)

                                    ߜ Database marketing entails compiling detailed information about cus-
                                        tomers and prospects and then using it to create and send marketing
                                        messages that are focused on the specific needs of these unique con-
                                        sumer groups.

                                    ߜ Telemarketing involves communicating with prospects and customers
                                        over the telephone — via inbound calls made by consumers to toll-free
                                        numbers that they see in ads, sales materials, or online, or via outbound
                                        calls made by a business to the homes or offices of target prospects.

Table 13-1 Differences between Direct Mail and Mass Media

Direct Mail                              Mass Media

You target your prospects and send your  You reach all consumers who read a
ad only to those consumers.              publication, tune in to a broadcast, or
                                         see an outdoor ad.

You can personalize each marketing       You can target your message, but it is
message.                                 very difficult (and expensive) to per-
                                         sonalize it.

You determine your format and length, and You fit your message into available ad
can include samples, reply cards, or any units.
other item you feel will inspire a response.
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