Page 210 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 210

194 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

Managing an ethical direct sales program

The Direct Marketing Association warns against      without question and for any reason. If you
the two biggest direct sales landmines: nonde-      offer a risk-free trial, then you can’t charge
livery of merchandise and misrepresentation of      the customer until the product is received
offers. Every year a few direct marketers hurt      and met with satisfaction. If you do not plan
the reputation of all by implementing programs      to refund a customer’s money under any cir-
that fail to communicate honestly or to deliver     cumstances, your marketing materials must
the products as promised. If you sell directly,     state, “All sales are final.”
protect your own reputation and the reputation
of all who participate in direct marketing by fol-  State the estimated lag time between order
lowing this advice:                                 receipt and product delivery. If the average
                                                    order takes four weeks for delivery, avoid
    Be clear, honest, and complete in your          complaints and concerns by informing cus-
    communications. Your ad is the shopping         tomers in your marketing materials and at
    experience for direct buyers, so make it        the time they place their orders.
    thorough and consistent with what the cus-
    tomer will see upon receipt of his or her       Get good customer data. Your ability to
    order. Be accurate in the way it describes      deliver relies on good customer input. In
    your product and represents your price,         your marketing materials, ask respondents
    payment terms, and extra charges. Don’t         to use ink on the order form and to print
    make outlandish claims and don’t make           clearly (especially the name and address to
    promises that defy belief or that you can’t     which the order will be shipped).
    live up to.
                                                    Describe payment options. Require that
    Describe the commitment involved in plac-       payments be made by check, credit card, or
    ing an order. Decide how you will handle        money order. Do not allow cash transac-
    returns and communicate your policy in          tions. Credit card privileges increase
    your marketing materials. Be aware that         response rates, so plan your policies
    there are laws enforcing honesty in direct      accordingly.
    mail marketing. If you promise “satisfaction
    guaranteed” (or if you make a money-back        Log consumer questions and complaints.
    guarantee), Federal Trade Commission reg-       If — in spite of your best efforts — your ads
    ulations mandate that you give a full refund    still result in misunderstandings, pull and
                                                    revise them.

Marketing with Direct Mailers

                All direct mailers, regardless of look, message, or purpose, are alike in one
                way: They go straight to your prospects’ mailboxes rather than reaching
                them through broadcast and print ads. For a look at the differences between
                direct mail and mass media communications, see Table 13-1 earlier in this
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