Page 209 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 209

193Chapter 13: Mailing Direct to Your Market

Direct Mail                                Mass Media
Your cost per contact is higher than with
mass media, but your cost per response is  Your cost per contact is very eco-
lower than with any other medium.          nomical, but many unqualified or
                                           uninterested consumers are included
Has a predictable response period, with    in your audience.
most responses occurring within ten days
of a mailing.                              Has a slower and less predictable
                                           response period, especially when
Response rates are easily measured.        using magazine or outdoor

                                           Response rates are difficult to

Direct Sales: The Do-It-Yourself
Distribution Channel

                Just as you’d guess, marketers who employ direct sales strategies sell to con-
                sumers directly, without involving middlemen, retailers, agents, or other rep-
                resentatives. Instead they use direct response ads, direct mailers, catalogs,
                and e-commerce (see Chapter 16) to communicate one on one with prospec-
                tive buyers. Following are three examples of how direct marketing tools can
                generate direct sales:

                  ߜ Direct response advertising: A jewelry maker advertises his wares by
                      placing small black-and-white magazine advertisements. But instead of
                      aiming to build general awareness, the ads invite readers to call toll-free
                      to purchase the featured item or, alternatively, to visit the jeweler’s Web
                      site to view and order from his complete line. Either way, the instruc-
                      tions in the ad lead straight back to the jewelry maker and not to any
                      retailer or other intermediary.

                  ߜ Direct mail: The self-publisher of a book featuring lists and ratings for
                      summer youth camps promotes the book by sending direct mailers to a
                      subscriber list rented from a major parenting magazine.

                  ߜ Catalog distribution: A kitchen accessories company generates direct
                      sales by mailing its catalog to the households of current and past cus-
                      tomers, ad respondents, and subscribers of gourmet magazines.
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