Page 243 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 243

227Chapter 14: Brochures, Promotions, Trade Shows, and More

Do                                       Don’t

Do invest in a professionally            Don’t try to do it cheap by using a self-
designed booth that reflects your        designed booth plan and do-it-yourself
business image, your advertising,        graphics.
and your current message.
                                         Don’t be bland and don’t expect a banner
Do use lights, banners, moving           with your logo to double as a booth design.
displays, bright colors, floor           You need huge colorful photos, ad enlarge-
carpeting, and counters to break         ments, and graphics that shout New! to
your booth into parts, and other         passersby.
devices to draw attention and make
your booth look like a hub of activity.

Building Sales through Promotions

                A promotion aims to increase sales over a short time period by offering an
                incentive that prompts consumers to take immediate action.

                Businesses stage promotions for a number of reasons, such as

                  ߜ To increase activity by existing customers.
                  ߜ To entice the attention of new customer prospects.
                  ߜ To urge customers to adopt new buying patterns, such as greater dollar

                      volume per transaction, more frequent purchases, or purchases via a
                      certain payment method.
                  ߜ To stimulate sales during slow seasons by offering limited-time special
                      pricing or added-value offers.

       Choosing your promotion incentive

                The whole purpose of a promotion is to create a desired consumer action
                over a short period of time. The objective is accomplished by offering one of
                the following types of action incentives:

                  ߜ Price savings: Incentives include percentage discounts, two-for-one
                      offers, buy-one-get-one-free deals, and other appealing reductions. The
                      bigger the incentive, the more attractive to the consumer, of course. But
                      be careful to come up with an offer that can inspire customers without
                      giving your store away.
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