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232 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

                                 way to get free media coverage. That’s like saying fashion is about hem
                                 lengths. There’s a shard of truth in there, but it’s hardly the full story.

               The wide-angle view of public relations

                                 The Public Relations Society of America defines public relations as activities
                                 that “help an organization and its public adapt mutually to each other.”

                                 Other professionals say that public relations involves activities that aim to
                                 establish, maintain, and improve a favorable relationship with the public
                                 upon whom an organization’s success depends.

                                 In Small Business Marketing For Dummies terms, public relations means doing
                                 the right thing and then talking about it — using publicity and other nonpaid
                                 communication opportunities to inform those whose positive opinions favor-
                                 ably impact your business.

                                 The field of public relations consists of the following:

                                    ߜ Media relations: Establish editorial contacts, distribute news releases
                                        and story ideas, and become a reliable and trustworthy news source.
                                        Publicity is part of media relations, and media relations are part of —
                                        but not all of — public relations, as this list aims to prove.

                                    ߜ Employee or member relations: Use newsletters, meetings, events, and
                                        programs to develop communications and rapport with internal audi-
                                        ences and to demonstrate that your company’s interest in doing the
                                        right thing starts at home.

                                    ߜ Community relations: Build ties to your local market area by joining
                                        groups, serving on boards, spearheading charitable endeavors, and
                                        donating time, products, services, or funds to support projects that ben-
                                        efit your community. As you undertake efforts for community causes,
                                        above all do so because you believe in the cause. Second, do it because
                                        you and your business benefit by the association and from the visibility
                                        you receive as a good community citizen.

                                    ߜ Industry relations: Join industry associations, attend industry events,
                                        and serve as an officeholder in groups that represents your business
                                        arena. A strong industry role keeps your business in the forefront and
                                        establishes your credibility with consumers and editorial contacts.

                                    ߜ Government relations: Build relationships with elected officials.
                                        Acquaint them with your company so they have a favorable impression
                                        should they be asked to comment on your business or should you need
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