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234 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

               Getting real with your expectations

                                 The fable about the oil driller who tossed in the towel just feet before reach-
                                 ing liquid gold is a good analogy for what most small businesses term their
                                 failed publicity programs. They send out five, maybe even ten, news releases,
                                 nothing happens, and they quit — disappointed and without a clue of how
                                 close they came to achieving the result they so badly desired.

                                 To generate publicity for your business, commit to a long-haul program and
                                 keep the following in mind:

                                    ߜ Don’t expect instant or even consistent results. Most news releases never
                                        make it into the media. Don’t expect to bat 1.000, or .500, or even .250.

                                    ߜ Tailor your story to individual editorial contacts. Universal news
                                        releases — the same exact releases sent to all media — are less apt to
                                        be picked up than releases that are customized to specific audiences
                                        and news vehicles.

                                   ߜ Don’t try to get news coverage as a perk for your advertising invest-
                                        ments. To obtain news coverage, submit newsworthy information and
                                        avoid anything that smacks of editorial arm-twisting. Your advertising
                                        investment will help your publicity effort only in that it will pave the way
                                        by building awareness, so that when your release arrives, your editorial
                                        contacts will be familiar with your name and brand.

                                    ߜ Don’t peddle hype as news. If the focus of your story is why you think
                                        your product is better than that of a competitor, that’s hype. But if your
                                        story announces a major change of importance to the public, that’s
                                        news. Newsworthy releases announce financial results, special events,
                                        awards given or received, staffing or management changes, reactions to
                                        legal or financial difficulties (see “Dealing with bad news” later in this
                                        chapter), and announcements of new products, technology, or industry

                                    ߜ Don’t hound the media. Never demand an explanation for why a release
                                        hasn’t run. If you are concerned that your releases are being ignored,
                                        buy an hour or two of a publicist’s time to receive a professional assess-
                                        ment of your efforts and to obtain guidance for presenting your news in
                                        the future. Also see the section on “Establishing media contacts” for
                                        help in establishing editorial relationships.

                                    ߜ Aim for quality — not quantity. Don’t try to get publicity by papering
                                        the world with releases and don’t write releases that are even one sen-
                                        tence longer than they need to be. Send releases only when you have
                                        news of interest to readers or viewers. Keep each release hype-free and
                                        to the point. Follow a standard or electronic news release format (see
                                        the following sections), and get it right in terms of grammar and typing.
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