Page 252 - Duct Tape Marketing
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236 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

Figure 15-1:    Tell when news                         For more information contact:
This sample     can be released                        Barbara Findlay Schenck
                                              Provide name
    shows a             For Immediate Release
    standard                                                                       and contact
  format for                                                                       information

        news    Start wiNthEW EDITION OF MARKETING BOOK                            Benefit-
    releases    place anEdMPHASIZES LOW-COST TECHNIQUES                            oriented
     that are                                                                      headline
                 date ofFOR SMALL BUSINESS
      mailed,    release
    faxed, or
                BEND, OR, January 15, 2005 – Four years after first hitting book shelves,
   delivered    Small Business Marketing For Dummies is out in a newly revised edition,
   to media.
  Electronic    updated throughout to incorporate the significant changes and new
                opportunities that technology and the economy have dealt to small Lead with
  slightly, as  businesses.                                                        the major
explained in
this chapter.                                            news points

                Still directed exclusively at businesses with small budgets and cramped

                schedules, and still full of hands-on marketing advice and examples for the

                smallest business marketers, the book's 2nd edition includes new tips for

                cost-effective, do-it-now – in response to the fact that today's consumers

                are wooed by competitive alternatives like never before – an all-new section

                The hard-copy, printed release is still considered the standard format, although
                increasingly news is submitted electronically using e-mail, as described in the
                following section.

                Develop your release by first deciding on an angle from which to present your
                news. This involves deciding what makes the facts you are sharing timely, inter-
                esting, and worthy of media interest. Often the same news will be presented
                from a number of different angles — one for the local media, one for distant or
                national media, one for industry media, and so on.

                Once you know your angle, begin writing your release in this order:

                  ߜ Whom to contact for more information: At the top of your release,
                      include the name of a knowledgeable person who can be contacted for
                      information, along with a telephone number for reaching that person
                      directly and without any time-consuming voice mail interfaces.

                  ߜ When the news can be released: In rare cases, releases are sent with a
                      line describing an embargo, or an instruction not to release the news
                      until a certain date or time. Embargoes are unnecessary for all but the
                      most sensitive news announcements, which probably require the help of
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