Page 254 - Duct Tape Marketing
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238 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

                                    ߜ Supporting materials: Include only news in your release. Then attach
                                        separate fact sheets to detail price and availability information, lists of
                                        features, company background summaries, and frequently asked ques-
                                        tions and answers. But don’t go overboard. Attach only information that
                                        will assist the editorial staff in compiling a story.

                                    ߜ Graphics: When submitting news by mail or hand delivery, enclose
                                        photos in the form of prints, slides, or on disk. For prints, submit in a
                                        5-x-7-inch or 8-x-10-inch glossy format. For illustrations, charts, or other
                                        artwork, submit camera-ready, black-and-white reproductions (this
                                        means first-generation, high-contrast reproductions on bright white
                                        paper). Accompany graphics with clearly labeled captions.

                                 As you write news releases, test them against the information in Table 15-1.

Table 15-1  Spotting the Good and Bad in News Releases

Attributes of Releases                Attributes of Releases
That Get Results                      That Get Tossed Out

Feature timely news about your        Contain promotional messages, recycled
products or services, your staff,     stories that have already been covered by
recent legal or legislative actions,  competing news media, or self-serving
industry changes, or other items      puff pieces.
of interest to the public.

Are customized messages tailored      Are blanket mailings that relay the same
to the audience of a specific news    exact news to competing media with no
vehicle, often accompanied by a       unique angle, no offer for interviews, or no
brief note written to an established  other ways to customize the story.
editorial contact.

Contain crisp, clear, accurate, and   Rely on superlatives (biggest, brightest,
factual language.                     strongest, and so on), opinions, and hype.

Describe benefits to the reader       Emphasize product features rather than
or viewer.                            benefits and use insider terminology.

Make a clear point regarding why      Fail to answer the fundamental question,
the news is important and how and     “Who cares?”
when readers or viewers can take

Use management quotes plus            Fail to make a clear point about how the
quotes from customers and             news impacts your industry, your business,
industry leaders.                     or especially your market.

Are intriguing and believable.        Are boastful or stretch the bounds of
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