Page 264 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 264

248 Part IV: Getting the Word Out without Advertising

      Who’s Online and What Are They Doing?

                                 Most forecasts project that during 2005 the number of people with Internet
                                 access worldwide will soar close to 1 billion.

                                    ߜ Users currently divide almost evenly between men and women and dis-
                                        perse into every age group from early teens up, with those 65+ showing
                                        the greatest usage increase.

                                    ߜ English is the official language of two-thirds of Web pages, but more than
                                        half of Web users are native speakers of languages other than English.
                                        Companies serving global markets increasingly view multilingual
                                        options on their sites as necessary rather than optional.

                                    ߜ Most users are sending e-mail, but they’re also logging on to shop or to
                                        research products. They study options online before making purchases.
                                        Whether they buy online or make the purchase from a bricks-and-mortar
                                        establishment, if your business isn’t one they can access via the Web,
                                        you may not make it onto their list for consideration.

                                    ߜ They’re online for recreation and entertainment. (E-gambling is expected
                                        to rake in $15 billion annually by 2006.)

                                    ߜ They are informed consumers. They walk into doctors’ offices, car
                                        dealerships, and other major decision-making situations armed with
                                        unprecedented levels of facts and figures. Be ready!

                                    ߜ They expect Web sites to deliver customer support and information with
                                        a high level of service. They want an easy and obvious way to contact
                                        your business (online and through your physical location) and they
                                        expect prompt inquiry responses.

      Using the Internet with
      or without a Web Site

                                 Most businesses equate using the Internet with building a Web site, but even
                                 without a site you can take advantage of opportunities to use e-mail, keep an
                                 eye on your competition, and connect with networks of business consultants
                                 and management resources, as described in the following sections.

                                 Once you create a Web site, your opportunities expand even further. You can:

                                    ߜ Use your site like an extension of your business lobby. Increasingly,
                                        instead of walking into or phoning your business, your prospects meet
                                        you online. Design and use your site to make a good first impression
                                        with a clean look, efficient service, easy-to-access information, and quick
                                        response to prospect needs.
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