Page 328 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 328

312 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers

                                 To eliminate the possibility of a quality gap — and to build customer loyalty —
                                 train your customers to have high service expectations. Then exceed them
                                 with each customer encounter.

Customer loyalty prescriptions

Sort your customers into the following three categories and then use Table 19-2
as you work to move as many as possible to the invaluable loyal customer rank:

  ߜ Satisfied customers find their relationship with your business accept-
      able. They have no complaints about the promptness with which they
      are served, the accuracy of their transactions, the responsiveness of
      your service, or the effectiveness and friendliness of your staff. But nei-
      ther are they amazed by their dealings with your business, and for that
      reason they are susceptible to better offers from competitors.

  ߜ Dissatisfied customers believe that their value and service expectations
      were not met. Perhaps they received outright poor service. More often
      they received mediocre service, based on how they were greeted, the
      time it took to help them, the way their complaints were handled, or the
      quality of the service or product they received.

      Once dissatisfied, they will make an immediate or gradual departure
      from your business. Most pay their final bill politely and say thank you
      on the way out the door, and 94 out of 100 leave without a word of com-
      plaint to your business. But they won’t remain silent. They’ll personally
      share their dissatisfaction with anywhere from 5 to 20 other people, and
      thousands more if they use the reach of the Internet as they air their

  ߜ Loyal customers are the only customers who are safe from defection.
      They reduce the cost side of your profit and loss statement while bene-
      fiting the revenue side by costing less and spending more than others
      who buy from your business.

Use Table 19-2 as you work to move customers into the loyal customer

Table 19-2    Customer Loyalty Prescriptions

Customer Type Customer Mindset           Service Prescription

Dissatisfied  Service expectations have  Establish rapport. Learn and
Customer      not been met.              address concerns. The
                                         damage may be done, but
                                         try anyway.
   323   324   325   326   327   328   329   330   331   332   333