Page 326 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 326

310 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers                                 How We Rate
                                                                          on a 1–10 Scale
                             Table 19-1 (continued)

                                     Customer Satisfaction Factor

                                     Convenient payment/delivery options
                                     Enjoyable, attractive atmosphere
                                     Meets deadlines/exceeds promises
                                     Delivers accurate, quality products
                                     Stays within estimated costs
                                     Attention by owners/principals
                                     Good reputation/highly recommended

Using the cash register as a customer
satisfaction monitor

Customers vote with their billfolds and your cash register is their ballot box.
If your sales-per-customer and repeat business rates are increasing, you’re
doing something right. If they’re declining, it’s time to go into repair mode.

Monitor the size of your sales transactions. Is the dollar volume of your
average sale going up or down? If you’re a retailer, you can get this data from
the cash register tape. If you’re a service business, your invoices will tell the

Your business is on the right track if it has

  ߜ A growing number of new customers coming through the door.
  ߜ A declining number of customers defecting after one or two purchases.
  ߜ An increase in the expenditure per sales transaction.

Good marketers consider the customer their boss. As you monitor customer
satisfaction, ask yourself, Is my boss giving me a raise?
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