Page 329 - Duct Tape Marketing
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313Chapter 19: Fortifying Customer Relationships

Customer Type Customer Mindset                    Service Prescription

Satisfied  Satisfied customers are                Treat them like VIPs. If they
Customer   vulnerable customers. They             sense indifference, they’ll slip
           find your service acceptable           out the door. Demonstrate
           but they aren’t overwhelmed.           appreciation. Do them favors.
           They will leave for a better           Offer added value. Bend your
           price, offer, convenience, or          rules. Anticipate their needs.
           recognition.                           Win their trust.

Loyal      Loyal customers are safe               Treat them like your most
Customer   from defection so long as              valuable assets. Follow the
           their service expectations             prescription for converting
           are met, and their expectations        “Satisfied Customers” but
           are sky-high.                          double the dosage. Caution:
                                                  Don’t take them for granted.
                                                  Don’t burden them with your
                                                  problems or test their
                                                  patience while you court new

Using loyalty programs

Loyalty programs inspire customers to increase use of a company’s products
or services by rewarding repeat purchases with discounts or added-value

Playing the 80/20 customer odds

The 80/20 rule maintains that 20 percent of your  The solution: Listen to discontented customers
consumers will account for 80 percent of your     and do what you can to right the wrongs they
sales. Conversely, 80 percent of your problems    cite. But don’t allow your energy to be con-
will come from 20 percent of your customers.      sumed by those who may never be entirely
The concept actually has a name. It’s called      happy with you or your business — or any other
Pareto’s Law, named after the economist who       business, for that matter. Instead, tip the mar-
developed the theory, which is formally known     keting odds in favor of your business by focus-
as the law of misdistribution.                    ing on your most content and profitable
                                                  customers. Plan your marketing program to
The problem: You want to acquire and cultivate    cater to their wants and needs, telegraph their
customers in the trouble-free, highly profitable  satisfactions to your market, and let them serve
20 percent group, but if you’re not careful, the  like a magnet to attract more people just like
problematic 20 percent will consume your time     them to your business.
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