Page 324 - Duct Tape Marketing
P. 324

308 Part V: Winning and Keeping Customers

                                             • Sell a service contract at the time of equipment purchase, or bundle
                                               the price of the contract right into the purchase price. Doing so
                                               helps ensure that your customer’s purchase gets consistent service
                                               while also tying the customer to your business through frequent
                                               contact and a positive ongoing relationship.

                                             • Set up the next appointment before the customer leaves the cur-
                                               rent appointment. Promise a reminder 48 hours before the next
                                               meeting to ensure your own repeat business.

                                             • See whether there is an equivalent to the good old milk delivery
                                               service for your business, allowing you to automatically deliver
                                               products on a regular schedule rather than waiting for the cus-
                                               tomer to initiate the purchase. Can you think of some way to estab-
                                               lish a standing agreement for product delivery to circumvent the
                                               need for the customer to place an order prior to each purchase?

                                             • Think of ways that you can establish an on approval agreement
                                               with your best customers — where you deliver new offerings on
                                               the condition that customers can return them (or you will pick
                                               them up) if they aren’t wanted or needed.

                                               As an example, interior designers are perfect on agreement suppli-
                                               ers. They charge a set fee for decorating services and install their
                                               recommendations — with price tags intact. The clients then buy
                                               and keep the whole works or call for pickup of the items they don’t

      What Customers Want

                                 Simply put, customers want their needs to be met and their expectations to
                                 be exceeded.

                                    ߜ They want value that exceeds the price paid.

                                    ߜ They want clarity in the messages they receive.

                                    ߜ They want their concerns addressed with sensitivity and efficiency.

                                    ߜ They want their situation to be understood.

                                    ߜ They want to be greeted and served promptly.

                                    ߜ They want to feel important and valued.

                                 When asked to rank the factors that contribute to their satisfaction, customers
                                 list such attributes as responsiveness, competence, convenience, and reliabil-
                                 ity. But guess which attribute tops the list? More than anything else, customers
                                 want good communication.
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