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Index 347

•F•                                           geographic name as business name, 319
                                              geographic targeting, 56
fabricated name as business name, 320         geographics
FAQ (frequently asked questions) page, 253
Fast Company (magazine), 338                   definition of, 18
fax, preparing news release for delivery by,   direct mail and, 195
                                               locating target area, 22–23
     235–238                                  gift certificate, 223
fees for professional help                    giveaways, 224–225
                                              glossies, 144
 advertising agency, 118, 126–127             goal
 budget and, 114                               budget and, 70
fighting bad business with good                definition of, 64, 65
                                               establishing, 68
     advertising, 325                          example of, 67
filing e-mail, 83                              for loyalty program, 314
first impression, making                       market share, setting, 59
                                               for marketing communication, 105
 importance of, 328–329                        marketing plan and, 332
 impression inventory, creating, 85–87         marketing task and, 61
 online encounter, 82–84                       for sales presentation, 280–281
 overview of, 75–76                            scaling program to meet, 12
 personal approach, 78–82                      strategies and, 66
 telephone contact, 76–78                      vision, mission, and, 62
first-in-a-market business, 94–95              for Web site, 252
flaming, 84                                   goal-oriented budgeting, 69
flat rate, 162                                golden rules of advertising, 140–141
flier, 214                                    Google search engine
flighting of ad, 152, 175, 205                 AdSense program, 271
flip side of business card, imprinting, 224    AdWords program, 271
focus group, 21–22                             Keyword Sandbox, 267
font, 100–101, 160                             perception of, 93
forgetting curve, 151                          registering Web site with, 266
Four Ps (marketing mix), 66, 67               government relations, 232–233
four-color, 161                               graphics on Web site, 258–259
framing ad with space, 160                    greeting customer, 80
free enterprise system and competition, 50    gross rating points (GRPs), 177
freelancer, 119                               growing business
frequency                                      business name and, 322–323
 balancing with reach, 150–151                 marketing and, 12
 broadcast advertising and, 176                product lines and, 36
 magazine advertising and, 167, 168           growth phase of product, 46
 newspaper advertising and, 164               guarantee
frequency discount, 162                        customer service, 291
frequently asked questions (FAQ) page, 253     in direct mail offer, 201
front-loading of ad, 152                      Guerilla Marketing (Jay Conrad
fulfillment company, 269
full showing, 169                                  Levinson), 339
                                              guidelines for e-mail, 83–84

geodemographics, 18, 195
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