Page 368 - Duct Tape Marketing
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352 Small Business Marketing For Dummies, 2nd Edition

outside mailing list, finding, 196–198      power of brand, 90
owner’s name as business name, 319          PR Newswire, 235
ownership                                   pre-empting objection, 285
                                            preferential pricing, 307
 of advertising materials, 126              preferred position placement, 165
 of Web site, 131, 259                      presentation by advertising agency,

•P•                                              123–124
packages as marketing materials, 222–223
packaging, 9, 10                             prices, 41–43
Pareto’s Law, 313                            product, 283–285
parking, 79                                 presorting mail, 204
partnering for promotion, 228–229           press release. See news release
PayPal service, 262                         price competitor, 53
Peppers, Don, The One-to-One Future, 340    price savings promotion, 227
percentage of sales budgeting, 69–70        prices, presenting, 41–43
perception, 106, 107                        price-sensitive product, 40–41
periodicals, advertising, 339               pricing
personal relationship                        “buying” market share through, 59
                                             evaluating, 41
 establishing, 281–283                       preferential, 307
 power of, 37                                setting strategy for, 66
personality of communications, stating, 98   strategies in marketing plan for, 334
personalizing direct mail, 201–202           strategy example, 67
phantom competition, 52                      tailoring, 9
pick-up rate, 163                            value and, 38, 40–41, 329–330
place, strategy for, 66, 67                 print advertising
plain text format                            copy, writing, 158–159
 for e-mail message, 209                     designing, 159–161
 for e-newsletter, 221                       directory and Yellow Pages, 169–171
planning. See also marketing plan            headline, writing, 156–158
 brochure, 214–215                           magazine ad, placing, 166–168
 newsletter, 218                             newspaper ad, placing, 163–166
 promotion, 229                              out-of-home, 168–169
planning pyramid, 65                         rate card, 162–163
planning sequence, failsafe, 68              writing and designing, 155–156
pop-up ad, 271                              print media, 142, 143–146
portraying customer as fool, 326            printing e-mail, 83
positioning                                 priorities and hiring advertising
 definition of, 94
 determination of, 94–95                         agency, 120
 marketing plan and, 333                    privacy of customer, protecting, 19, 208
 strategy for, 95–96                        producer, 138
 tag line and, 96–97                        producing
Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind (Al
                                             radio ad, 182–183
     Ries and Jack Trout), 340               television ad, 184–186
postal regulations, meeting, 203            product. See also buying decisions; pricing
postscript (P.S.)                            advertising agency and, 121
                                             benefits versus features of, 109–110, 284
 in direct mail letter, 203                  breaking sales down by categories of,
 in e-mail message, 209
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