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Index 355

Sales Prospecting For Dummies (Tom           site-building service, 255
     Hopkins), 339                           size of ad

samples, 228                                  magazine, 167
sans serif type, 100                          newspaper, 164–165
satisfaction. See customer satisfaction       Yellow Pages, 170
satisfied customer, 312, 313                 size of type, 101, 160
saturation of market, 60                     slander, 245
saturation phase of product, 46              slogan, 96–97
saving best for last, 326                    Small Business Administration Web
saying what you mean, 329
scheduling ad placement                           site, 337
                                             Small Business Development Center, 22
 billboard, 169                              Small Business For Dummies, 2nd Edition
 magazines, 167–168
 newspaper, 163–164                               (Eric Tyson and Jim Schell), 339
scheduling appointments during trade         smiling and answering telephone, 78
                                             software to build site, 256
     show, 226                               Souvenirs, Wearables, and Gifts (SWAGs),
Schell, Jim, Small Business For Dummies,
     2nd Edition, 339                        spam, 84, 208
SCORE Web site, 337                          special treatment, 315
screening business name, 320                 specialty media, 142
search engine. See also Google search        speed of loading Web site, 258
                                             spelling of business name, 321
     engine                                  spider, 264
 description of, 250, 264                    sponsorship, 175
 optimizing site for, 266–267                spot, 175
 ranking by, 129                             spot color, 161
 registering site with, 265–266              SRDS (Standard Rate and Data Service)
Search Engine Watch, 265, 338
selection criteria for advertising agency,    description of, 167
                                              Direct Marketing List Source, 196, 197
     120–121                                  Lifestyle Market Analyst, 23, 57, 196,
                                                  197, 340
 buying versus, 33, 280                       Media Source books, 340
 definition of, 9                            staff member
 preparing for, 280                           assigning marketing task to, 116
Selling the Invisible (Harry Beckwith), 340   contact with, 281
sending direct mail, 203–204                  at trade show, 226
serif type, 100, 160                         staffing, 13
service as product, 34                       Standard Rate and Data Service. See SRDS
service contract, 308                        Starbucks, perception of, 93
share                                        start-up business, marketing, 11
 of customer, 51, 306–307                    statement
 of opportunity, 51                           positioning, 95–96
shipping product, 260–261                     of purpose, 63–64, 331
short rate, 163                               target market, 106
showing product, 284                         story, telling, in broadcast advertising, 179
signage, 79                                  storyboard for Web site, 128
signature for e-mail, 83, 209                strategy
similar-but-different business, 94            definition of, 14, 65
simplicity of print advertising, 160, 171     example of, 67
site. See Web site of business
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