Page 366 - Duct Tape Marketing
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350 Small Business Marketing For Dummies, 2nd Edition

Mailing and Fulfillment Services           materials, marketing. See also
     Association, 199                           communications

mailing list for direct mail                brochures, 212–217
 house list, 196                            business card, 223–224
 outside list, 196–198                      evaluating, 87–88
 renting, 198–200                           first impression, making, and, 76
 types of, 195–196                          gift certificate, 223
 updating, 206                              newsletters, 217–222
                                            ownership of, 126
mailing list for opt-in newsletter, 222     packages as, 222–223
mailing service, 199                       maturity of business and budget, 70
make-good, 162                             maturity phase of product, 46
managing Web site, 255–256                 media buyer, 173–174
manufacturer ad, airing pre-produced, 185  media commission, 114, 117, 126
manufacturer referral, 269                 media contact
market research, 10, 68                     establishing and maintaining, 240–242
market saturation, 60                       sending brochure to, 217
market segmentation                        media coverage
                                            bad news, dealing with, 246
 definition of, 18                          circulating news, 235
 viewing sales by, 27–29                    expectations for, 234
market share                                interview, 242–245
 calculating, 56–58                         news conference, 245–246
 definition of, 50                          news release, writing, 235–240
 increasing, 59–60                          overview of, 233
 offensive marketing and, 306              media plan
 saturation and, 60                         comparison table for, 148–149
 winning, 53–54, 55–56                      directories, 145–146
market size and budget, 70                  magazines, 144–145
market, total, 56                           newspapers, 143–144
Marketer’s Portal Web site, 338             outdoor and transit advertising, 146
marketing                                   overview of, 141–142
 cycle of, 8–9                              radio, 146–147
 defensive, 304, 306                        television, 147–148
 definition of, 7                          media planner or buyer, 119
 offensive, 306                            media relations, 232
marketing ideas                            media schedule
 best, 328–330                              overview of, 149–150
 worst, 325–327                             reach and frequency, balancing, 150–151
marketing manager, hiring, 117              timing placements, 151–152
marketing mix (Four Ps), 66, 67            member relations, 232
marketing plan                             memorability of business name, 322
 commitment to, 328                        merchant company, 269
 creating, 14                              merge/purge operation, 199
 steps to, 331–336                         me-too business, 94
markup, 127                                Microsoft Small Business Center
mass media advertising
 definition of, 191                             Commerce Manager Package, 260
 direct mail compared to, 192–193          Microsoft statement of purpose, 64
mass media, categories of, 142
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