Page 370 - Duct Tape Marketing
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354 Small Business Marketing For Dummies, 2nd Edition

radio station, making contact with, 240      to direct mail, 201, 205
rapport, building, 290                       to dissatisfied customer, 291
rate cards for print media, 162–163          to e-mail, 83, 249
rate kit for broadcast advertising, 174      to prospect objection, 285
rating point, 176–177                       responsibility
reach                                        of advertising agency, 125
                                             for impression points, 85
 balancing frequency with, 150, 151         retail rate, 162
 definition of, 176                         return on investment (ROI) in
 total versus effective, 177
rebate, 228                                      customer, 306
rebate against spending level, 315          Return Service Requested endorsement, 204
recommendation for advertising              reversed type, 101
                                            review committee for selecting advertising
     agency, 122
recording voice mail message, 78                 agency, 123
redirect, 270                               Ries, Al
                                             Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind, 340
 cold call and, 282                          The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding, 340
 online, 269                                Ries, Laura, The 22 Immutable Laws of
regional sales revenues, 58
registering business name, 321                   Branding, 340
relationship customer, 295                  Rogers, Martha, The One-to-One Future, 340
relationship with media contact,            ROI (return on investment) in

     maintaining, 242                            customer, 306
remnant space, 168                          rotator, 176
renting                                     run of paper placement, 165

 magazine subscriber list, 197              •S•
 mailing list, 198–200
reply card and direct mail, 202             sales. See also selling
re-presenting product, 44                    brand and, 91, 92
requesting proposal                          cash register as customer satisfaction
 advertising agency, 122–123                     monitor, 310
 Web design agency, 128–129                  closing, 285–287
research call, 282                           comparing percentage of to percentage of
reseller company, 269                            revenue from distribution channels, 31
resources. See also professional; Web site   converting prospect to customer, 276–278
                                             definition of, 10
     resources                               following up, 291
 ad ideas, 140                               life cycle of product and, 45–46
 advertising periodicals, 339                marketing compared to, 9
 “For Dummies” books, 339                    marketing cyclotron, 279
 free or almost-free, 117–118                personal contact, establishing, 281–283
 library reference area, 340                 product presentation, 283–285
 mailing lists, 196–198                      share of customer, increasing, 307
 mailing services, 199                       viewing by market segment, 27
 marketing classics, 339–340                 viewing by product line, 35–36
respondent, direct mail, replying to,
                                            Sales Closing For Dummies (Tom
     205, 206                                    Hopkins), 339
                                            sales literature, types of, 213–214
 to ad, 153
 to complaint, 297, 299–300
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