Page 369 - Duct Tape Marketing
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Index 353

 developing new, 46–48                     proposal, requesting
 enhancing appeal of existing, 44–45        advertising agency, 122–123
 first-of-a-kind, 94–95                     Web design agency, 128–129
 generating interest in, 277
 high-touch, 260                           prospect opinion assessment, 107
 increasing sales of, 43–44                prospects
 knowing, 280
 life cycle of, 45–46                       converting customers to, 276–278
 listing, 34–35                             knowing, 280
 presenting, 283–285                        walk-in, welcoming, 281
 prices, presenting, 41–43                 P.S. (postscript)
 promoting hidden, 36                       in direct mail letter, 203
 readying for prime time, 328               in e-mail message, 209
 service as, 34                            psychographics, 18, 24–26
 shipping, 260–261                         public broadcast station, 175
 strategies for, 66, 67, 333–334           public relations
 tailoring, 9                               bad news, dealing with, 246
 value formula and, 38–40                   definition of, 10
 viewing sales by, 35–36                    description of field of, 232–233
product ad, 136                            public relations firm, 119
product brochure, 213                      publicity
product development, 10                     circulating news, 235
product-oriented targeting, 57              definition of, 10, 233
professional. See also advertising agency   expectations for, 234
 ad production, 138                         interview with media, 242–245
 cost of hiring, 114–115                    media contact, establishing and
 deciding when to hire, 115
 distribution service, 217                      maintaining, 240–242
 in-house agency, forming, 117              media coverage, 233
 in-house talent, tapping, 116–117          news conference, 245–246
 marketing manager, hiring, 117             news release, writing, 235–240
 news distribution service, 235            publishing article online, 268
 station talent, using, 180–182            pulsing of ad, 152
 television ad production, 184             purchase-level reward or discount, 314
 types of, 119                             purpose
 Web site design, hiring, 128–132, 254      of communications, stating, 98
professional referral, 269                  of newsletter, 218
promoting Web site, 267                     stating in marketing plan, 331
 action incentives, 227–228                •Q•
 cooperative promotion and cross-
                                           quality gap, closing, 311–312
     promotion, 228–229                    questionnaires, 20, 21
 definition of, 10
 of existing product, 44                   •R•
 planning, 229
 purpose of, 227                           rack card, 214
 strategies for, 66, 67, 334               radio advertising
pronunciation of business name, 321
                                            advantages and disadvantages of,
                                                146–147, 149

                                            dayparts, 174
                                            producing, 182–183
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