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Index 351

mind share, 55                             nonprice competitor, 53
mirror near telephone, 78                  nonprospects, defining, 25
misdistribution, law of, 313
mission statement, 62                      •O•
modular literature, 213–214
monitoring                                 objection, pre-empting, 285
 size of sales transaction, 310
 Web site activity, 270                     anatomy of, 66
monopoly, 50                                budget and, 70
moving fast, 327                            creative concept and, 103–104
                                            definition of, 64, 65
•N•                                         establishing, 68
                                            example of, 67
name of business                            marketing plan and, 332
 choosing, 319–323                         obligations of client to advertising
 displaying in print advertising, 161
                                                agency, 125
National Change of Address file, 206       observing customer, 19–20, 21
navigating Web site, 257–258               offensive marketing, 306
needle-drop, 180                           offer, direct mail, deciding on, 200–201
needs and hiring advertising agency, 120   on approval agreement, 308
network affiliate, 175                     one-shot ad, 150
Network Solutions, 255, 263, 338           one-to-one communication, 142, 191
new customer, estimating cost of, 305–306  The One-to-One Future (Don Peppers and
new media, 142
New York Times tag line, 96                     Martha Rogers), 340
news conference, 245–246                   one-to-one marketing, 191–193
news release                               online advertising, 270–271
                                           online encounter with customer, 82–84
 distributing, 235                         Online Privacy Alliance Web site, 19
 expectations for, 234                     online sales. See also e-commerce site
 writing, 235–240
newsletter                                  auction site, 261
 opt-in electronic, 220–222                 brand and, 92
 overview of, 217–218                       Web site and, 253
 planning, 218                             online Yellow Pages, 171
 templates for, 219                        Open Directory, 265
 writing and designing, 218–219            open rate, 163
newspaper advertising                      opportunity, share of, 51
 advantages and disadvantages of,          opt-in policy
                                            for electronic newsletter, 220–222
     143–144, 148                           for e-mail marketing, 207–208
 classified section, 166                   order, asking for, 286–287
 placing, 163                              Oregon Trail, 62
 requesting placement, 165–166             originality of business name, 321–322
 scheduling placements, 163–164            outbound calls, telemarketing via, 192
 sizing tips, 164–165                      outcome, desired, 106, 107–108
newspaper, local daily, making contact     outdoor advertising, 146, 149, 168–169
                                           outdoor media, 142
     with, 240                             outlining tactics in marketing plan, 334–335
noncustomers, locating, 22–23              out-of-home advertising, 168–169
nonmedia communication project, 111
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