Page 127 - Visual Marketing
P. 127

One of the collateral pieces was   Why It Works                            the conferences to claim their
a comparison puzzle that con-                                              prize (a tote bag that also had a
sisted of two almost-identical     The sugar packet imagery                sugar packet design on it). The
sugar packet images describ-       reinforces the domain name of           puzzle resulted in an estimated
ing BizSugar, but with seven       the site, Giving          40 percent increase in booth
subtle differences among them.     attendees a puzzle, something           traffic.
Each attendee at a conference      to “do,” increased the inter-        • The site has grown from a few
received a puzzle sheet. The       est level in the collateral piece.      thousand registered users to
puzzle instructed those who        More important, it got people           more than 200,000 in a little
found the seven differences to     to come to the booth to claim           over 18 months.
visit the BizSugar booth to claim  their special prize for spotting     • Site traffic is now significant
a special prize.                   the differences. Once there,            enough to have attracted a
                                   they were presented with a brief        Fortune 500 sponsor.
                                   demo of the site and given more

                                      The puzzle was easy enough to     Takeaway Tip
                                      create, and the cost of printing
                                      it was affordable on a small-     Use a game or puzzle to drive foot traffic at
                                      business budget.                  a conference or trade show to your booth;
                                                                        this will give you an opportunity for deeper
                                     Success Metrics                    interaction with attendees. Make the puzzle
                                                                        relevant to your business, products, or ser-
                                   • The puzzle is challenging but      vices to further reinforce your brand with
                                      solvable, so plenty of people     attendees.
                                      visited the booth throughout

                                   IMAGES ARE EVERYWHERE IN THE PHY SIC A L W O R L D 106
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