Page 71 - Visual Marketing
P. 71

Why It Works                           audience and improve the overall       • The charity has raised in excess
                                       mission of Right as Rain. She tries       of $15,000 and helped people
Dale used Facebook and a               to responds to every comment on           in a variety of crises: from survi-
blog that she created herself to       Facebook herself.                         vors of natural disasters to peo-
spread the word about Right as                                                   ple fighting personal illness and
Rain. She posts photos of the          The logo by Jim Keller at                 injury. More than 300 people
arts and crafts to promote sales.      Langton Cherubino Group                   have made crafts and donated
The organization focuses on one        embraces the joie de vivre of             proceeds to Right as Rain.
recipient at a time and uses the       Gene Kelly’s exuberant dance
power of social networking to          from Singin’ in the Rain. It cap-      • Right as Rain won the 2011
build a community of artisans and      tures the nonprofit’s name and             Communicator Award for
craftspeople to create the art and     perfectly illustrates the hope and        Excellence in design.
an ever-growing network of “rain-      creativity that is instilled in Right
makers,” who support the benefi-        as Rain. Rain can be destructive,           Takeaway Tip
ciary by purchasing the artwork.       or even just cause a bad day,
Dale often reaches out to her net-     but with an umbrella and playful              Use Facebook and blogs to engage your
work in online conversations seek-     attitude, the figure dancing on                audience in back-and-forth dialogues about
ing their advice and feedback on       the logo has turned something                 real issues and you will build a loyal base for
core issues such as who should         negative into a happy moment.                 your organization. When users contact you,
be the next recipient as well as                                                     be sure to give a personal response; this
more rudimentary ones such as         Success Metrics                                increases the engagement of your fans and
previewing videos and testing pro-                                                   supporters and ultimately builds up the com-
motional methods. Dale has built    • Right as Rain built a network of               munity for your endeavor.
an impressive network by effec-        more than 2,100 Facebook fans
tively using these crowdsourc-         in less than two years.
ing techniques that engage her

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