Page 67 - Visual Marketing
P. 67

Why It Works                                                         Success Metrics

CasaQ’s online ads are well                                        • After distributing its first press
designed, and although aimed                                          release, CasaQ was contacted
at the Latino market, they                                            by the Latin Grammy Awards to
appeal to a wider audience of                                         be featured in its official celeb-
people looking for unique orna-                                       rity gift baskets.
ments. The elements of the ads
include newspaper clippings,                                       • CasaQ’s 17 different ornaments
vintage images of women, and                                          are now sold in Macy’s and 70
Technicolor photos of the orna-                                       museum and specialty shops
ments, along with humorous                                            across the nation.
                                 the sketch “sits” on the scratch
The ads are not traditional      pad like a paperweight effect—
banner ads with slick graph-     and clearly identifies what the
ics. Instead, the ads some-      ad is about.
times look like hand-drawn
documents. One ad looks like     Takeaway Tip
doodles on a scratch pad with a
hand-drawn design of an orna-    It’s possible to build a brand
ment, along with the company     with online ads, without ever
domain name in a script font as  turning to print ads. All it
if it’s handwritten. The CasaQ   takes is creativity, eye-
ornament that resulted from      catching color, and pizzazz.

                                 MUCH MO RE THAN JUST A W E BS I TE 46
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