Page 65 - Visual Marketing
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“As our business grew and finished design to show potential • Schwilliamz’ designs result in
matured, we recognized the need clients their process and the end more than 3 million pairs of
for a more focused and profes- results in the marketplace. footwear annually.
sional marketing plan. We deter-
mined that a website would be a A rotating series of shoe • The design has helped change
vital component in our overall mar- images—life-size, almost life- the perception of the consul-
keting and brand identity strategy.” size, or sometimes larger than tancy and helped distinguish
life—appear on every page it from the competition—a
Visual Dialogue saw immediately of the site. Through the sharp true consultancy/business part-
what Schwilliamz needed to photography, site visitors can ner versus merely freelance
make its brand look more profes- examine every stitch and detail. designers.
sional online. It’s a visual example of the com-
pany’s portfolio—almost like a Takeaway Tip
Why It Works slideshow of their portfolio, only
one doesn’t need to sit through Instead of telling people what you can pro-
The resulting Web design puts a presentation to see it. duce, show them! Put your output front and
Schwilliamz’ stunning results front center on your website. Nothing says that
and center: from kid’s sport shoes Success Metrics you must limit your work product to a spe-
to high-fashion trend wear, the site cific section dubbed “portfolio.” But when
displays the breadth and depth of • Schwilliamz has expanded its photographs of what you produce become
the company’s work. Descriptive sales in the United States and the focal point on every page, the qual-
text, press coverage, and back- globally with clients in China. ity of the images is paramount. They must
ground information go beyond the be sharp, detailed, and close-up enough to
invite and withstand scrutiny.