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Why It Works The e-card was sent to clients,
prospects, colleagues, and
This is likely one of very few peers, as well as posted to its
amusing holiday cards from website, with resounding positive
lawyers on the planet, which response.
makes it even funnier. In the
card, the lawyers go through the Success Metrics Takeaway Tip
wording for their holiday card,
but shoot down all options for • The Manatt card was widely Don’t take yourself or your brand too seri-
fear of offending or inciting legal acclaimed in legal media and ously, especially if everyone else does.
action. Finally the group settles attracted extensive favorable Stepping outside your traditional role and
on “warm wishes,” which itself publicity to the firm. impression of gravitas for a special occasion
requires an asterisk to specify, like a holiday can make people smile and
among other things, that “the • An entire post was devoted endear you to them. If done tastefully, you
wish, whether warm, neutral or to this card by the Wall Street will not lose credibility. On the contrary, you
cold, is under no obligation to Journal’s Law Blog, which just may gain a closer connection and bond
come true.” named it “the best law firm holi- of loyalty with clients.
day card of 2010.”
“Humor is a delicate area for a
law firm, which must carefully
avoid offense,” says principal
Dan Ross. Ross’s objective in
designing the e-card was to
reinforce a warm relationship
and inculcate positive feelings in
an often-contentious profession.