Page 79 - Visual Marketing
P. 79

Why It Works                      “Upon visiting the new site,          • The rebrand helped Topic 101
                                  potential clients’ first reaction is      become the leading strate-
Topic 101 brought on Visual       ‘I love your site!’ This sets the        gic research firm in the New
Dialogue for the task of visu-    tone for the whole partnership,”         England market.
ally interpreting who they were   says Susan Battista, president of
as a company. The design firm      Topic 101.
created a visual metaphor for
the survey process used by Topic     “The site now,” Battista said,     Takeaway Tip
101 by using evocative photos        “tells Topic 101’s story and con-
and videos that can be inter-        veys its point of differentiation  Don’t be defined by your industry. Decide
preted in different ways.            in an interesting and thoughtful   what you want to be known for (even if it
                                     way.”                              flies in the face of the traditionalists in your
The design emphasized Topic                                             field) and use this to brand your company.
101’s cutting-edge, relevant        Success Metrics                     Go against the grain to stand out. For exam-
approach to research, which                                             ple, if your industry is known for copious and
drives creative strategy (as      • Topic 101’s client list has grown   detailed facts and figures, find a way to use
opposed to competitors who just      since the design and includes      visual elements to demonstrate your com-
supply reams of data).               Dragon Software, Harvard           pany’s capabilities in simple terms.
                                     Business School, MIT, and
                                     United Way.

                                  • In 2010, billings went up 30
                                     percent despite the recession.

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