Page 83 - Visual Marketing
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“We are a small business pro-          useful application for anyone in     interviews, live radio interviews,
moting other small businesses.         the area with an iPhone.             and several print stories within
And we believe it’s important to                                            days.
keep up with technology to meet       Success Metrics                    • Businesses in the area have not
our customers needs,” says                                                  only signed up for the app but
Brandy Wheeler of Meal Tickets      • Despite launching the app just        also promoted it via Facebook
& Unusual Ideas.                       before the holidays—in freez-        and Twitter.
                                       ing temperatures and during
Why It Works                           the slowest business time of the
                                       year—the app reached 1,000
Like most travel apps, the core        downloads in the first 25 days.
audience was initially visitors to
Northwestern Michigan. But the      • Local media picked up the story
app has a surprising secondary         the day the press release went
audience. Wheeler says, “We’ve         out, which resulted in two TV
found that locals love it because
it’s such a handy resource for      Takeaway Tip
contacting the businesses they
visit regularly and discovering     The state of transmitting and consuming infor-
new ones.”                          mation is changing with the explosive growth of
                                    technology. And it’s not just transitioning online—
By tying the app in to advertis-    we’re already in the mobile age. Convert what you
ing opportunities for clients,      are doing today in print to mobile devices. Create
Meal Tickets & Unusual Ideas        a mobile app that mirrors the print version but
has created increased value for     is attuned to and takes advantage of the unique
customers, as well as a free,       attributes of mobile media to bridge the divide
                                    between old-school print and new school mobile.

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