Page 89 - Visual Marketing
P. 89

Why It Works                       Takeaway Tip                                   Stiglitz. Rather than
                                                                                  having 100 percent
“We have many small business       When creating download-                        custom graphics,
owners as clients and we know      able content pieces, such                      VerticalResponse uses
that they are challenged for time  as white papers, reports,                      stock images to lead
since they have to ‘wear a lot of  or guides, make them             by example and illustrate that
hats’ running their own busi-      visually appealing with          marketing a business doesn’t
ness,” says Kim Stiglitz, direc-   stock images. While stock        have to be hard or expensive.
tor of retention and conversion    images aren’t right for
marketing at VerticalResponse.     every situation, they can       Success Metrics
“We firmly believe that by creat-   play a role to quickly and
ing simple, quick, and easy-to-    inexpensively add visual      • VerticalResponse’s guides have
use free guides, we can enable     interest and break up large      been downloaded 35,000 times
our clients to be more successful  expanses of text, especially     in the past year alone.
with their email, direct mail and  in “workhorse” pieces.
postcard marketing.”                                             • The “50 Ways to Grow Your Email
                                                                    List” guide was downloaded
The guides get right to the point                                   2,500 times and is the third most
with short tips. They use stock                                     popular guide in the past year.
images for visual appeal, a fact
that is deliberate, according to

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