Page 158 - Social Media Marketing
P. 158

142 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

 Tip: Google offers a free tool called Google Analytics that can
 automatically track and report on traffic streaming into your blog
 or web site. It tracks the number of visitors, the number of pages
 they view, which site directed them to your site, and much more.
 All you do is copy a small script that Google creates for you and
 paste it on every page of your blog or web site. For details, check
 out Google Analytics at

Register Your Blog with Blog Directories

Some search engines focus exclusively on blogs, but they may need
a little help finding your blog. To make sure your blog is included in
the search results, consider registering your blog with several blog
directories and search engines, including the following:

   • Technorati at www.technoratLcom
   • Google at
   • Globe of Blogs at
   • Blogarama at
   • Blogflux at
   • Best of the Web Blog Directory at
   • Eaton Web Blog Directory at
   • Bloghub at
   • Blogernity at
   You can spend an entire day registering your blog with these di-
rectories and hundreds of others, but you'd probably be best to stick
with the top 10 or 15. You can also hire companies that specialize
in registering your blog with numerous blog directories, but if you
register with the top 10 or 15 directories, you don't really need to
spend more money on these specialized services.

Contribute to Other People's Blogs

Blogging is all about establishing yourself as a credible source, an
expert, in the community in which you do business. By providing
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