Page 163 - Social Media Marketing
P. 163

148 Walk Like a Giant, Sell Like a Madman

      Jumpcut (, Grouper (,
      and VideoEgg (

  • Social networks: Social networks enable people with shared
      interests to connect with one another and hang out on-
      line. Some of the more traditional and generic social
      networks include MySpace ( FaceBook
      (, and Friendster (
      Some social networks, like Linkedln ( and
      Plaxo ( provide professional networking op-
      portunities for advancing (or changing) one's career. More
      and more companies are launching their own social networks,
      such as Disney XD ( and Toyota Prius

   • Q&A networks: Q&A networks bring consumers in con-
      tact with experts in different subject areas who can answer
      their questions. Anyone can post a question. As answers
      stream in, users can vote on the answer they think is best.
      Some of the most popular Q&A networks are
      Askville (, and Questionville (question

   • Bookmarking: Bookmarking tools enable you to tag Web pages
      and stories that you think are most important. Bookmarking
      sites can also estimate the popularity of certain content based
      on the number of people who have bookmarked it. The most
      popular bookmarking site, as I was writing this book, was ( Other sites in this category include
      Diigo (, TekTag (,and Spud

   • Newsgroups: These public bulletin boards enable communi-
      ties and individuals to share information and files, post ques-
      tions and answers, and carryon discussions. The Internet hosts
      over 10,000 newsgroups covering just about every topic imag-
      inable, and then some.
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