Page 168 - Social Media Marketing
P. 168

Tapping the Power of Social Media Marketing 153

   Remember that social media marketing is all about transforming
customers into prideful marketers and advertisers. This requires a
concerted effort on your part, both online and offline, to deliver
valuable information, insight, products, services, and customer ser-
vice, so all of your customers will have only good things to say
about you. Social media isn't just about creating marketing buzz
or hyping a product; it's about serving your clients with integrity
and learning as much as possible about your own business in the

o Realize the power of social media marketing: You can use it

   to transform customers into advertisers.

o Explore some of the top social media and networking sites,

including MySpace, FaceBook, Digg, YouTube, LinkedIn,

   and Wikipedia.

o Search Google Web, News, Blogs, and Groups for your

name, your company's name, and the products and services

you sell. Take notes about what customers are saying, what

   they need, and their biggest complaints.

o Search Google Web, News, Blogs, and Groups for social

media related to you, your company, your products and

   services, and your competition.

o Create a free account on MySpace, FaceBook and LinkedIn

   and add your profile.

o Create an About Me page to post on your web site or blog.
o Introduce yourself to influential people in your industry

   who already have a strong reputation in online communities.

o Spend at least one hour every week posting comments and

answers to customers and prospective customers in

communities interested in what you sell.

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