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Scaling Your Business with Virtual Assistants 223
• You don't have to enforce the office dress code.
• You don't have to fire them if they fail to perform; you just find
someone else.
Perhaps the biggest benefit of using virtual assistants is that they
enable you to immediately scale your business when business con-
ditions change. You can scale up when you have more work to do
and scale back when business tapers off. When you have in-house
employees, you can't simply fire and rehire at a moment's notice
and you end up with constant overhead.
How Do You Know You Need a Virtual Assistant?
You know that in order to grow your business, you must grow
your team. As much as business owners think, "It's faster to do it
myself," or "If I give up control, everything will start to fall through
the cracks," the reality is that you can't do it all and focus on your
strengths without stretching yourself too thin.
Most people decide it's time to hire a VA when they "hit the wall,"
or are "moving at warp speed." Little things like overdue bills, a
messy office, unreturned phone calls, or too much work to do in a
day start adding up until you find your business grinding to a halt.
Typically, businesses and individuals partner with a VA to complete
routine day-to-day tasks and overflow, seasonal, confidential, one-
time, special, or time-critical projects.
Tip: Many salespeople feel as though they cannot afford to hire
an assistant, particularly when they are first starting out. I say
that you cannot afford not to hire an assistant. If you have hit the
wall or are moving at warp speed, you had better hire an assistant
for your own survival.