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Scaling Your Business with Virtual Assistants 231

• Fax line: With the ease of sending a fax online from your com-
   puter via e-mail to your assistant with the click of a button,
   you no longer need the mess and fuss of paper fax machines.

• Internet telephone: Emerging VoIP technology has allowed
   salespeople to provide their VAs with a virtual phone number
   where they can reach the salesperson at any time, no matter
   where he or she may be. This is great if your VAs are doing a lot
   of local calling and need to contact you at a moment's notice
   if an issue suddenly arises that requires your immediate atten-
   tion. You can find any number of Internet telephone providers,
   including Skype, Vonage, Packet 8, Sun Rocket, AT&T, Com-
   cast, and WideOpenWest.

• Webcams: Webcams enable you to have face-to-face telecon-
   ferences with your VA for a more personal touch.

• Instant messaging: Instant messaging (1M) allows you to
   chat with your VA in real time-either by typing mes-
   sages or via voice or videoconferencing. The most popular
   instant-messaging program is AIM (America Online's Instant
   Messaging), which you can learn more about at
   You can find out more about Yahoo! Messenger at messen- A host of these 1M programs are available,
   including Adium, Jabber, Ebuddy, Gtalk, Trillian, MSN
   Messenger, Skype, and ICQ.

• Net meetings: You can set up a virtual office and hold a
   meeting on the Internet. You can even share your com-
   puter screen and applications with your VA for collabora-
   tive activities. Several Net meeting products are currently
   available, including WebEx ( GoToMeet-
   ing ( Web Conference, Vox Wire, and
   Global Conference Center.

• Whiteboarding: Whiteboard programs allow you to hold
   a Net meeting and communicate via a shared whiteboard
   that appears on your screen and the screens of anyone
   else involved in the meeting. Whiteboarding is perfect for
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